Changes to my study programme
Hello everyone, this week's blog is about changes to my study programme. I had mentioned in some of my posts that I am studying Design and only in this semester I had been able to attend face-to-face classes in my university, and I have some little things that I would like to change. I would not change the classes in my curriculum because they have a reason to exist, but there are some classes out of Design that are obligatory, like the sports, that I don't really understand why they are obligatory, but as well as the other classes I don't really want to change them, I just don't have to overwhelm myself with so many classes in the semester. But I would like to change the use of technology, I want to learn and use them more rather than doing physical projects and objects, because it stresses me out doing things out of materials, especially if I have to use paper, and I am more interested in what can I do with the programmes, especially those about 3D modelling. And so...